Monthly Meetings
Our monthly meetings occur on the first Saturday of each month and give us a chance to catch up with each other, share our work in progress, and participate in activities such as demos, monthly challenges, group buys, and more. As always, attendees are encouraged to bring their latest work for the Show-n-Tell table as well as their themed challenge pieces.
7521 Community Dr. Citrus Heights, CA
1:00-4:00 pm on the first Saturday of each month (room is avail from noon-8 pm for longer activities)
Attendees may bring food & drink and utilize the kitchen amenities, which include a fridge, microwave, and oven. Prior notification will be sent to all current members with the meeting agenda, planned activities, and supply lists if applicable. A monthly raffle is typically included in each meeting, often containing supplies/tools applicable to the scheduled demo for the month. In addition, all members are welcome to bring items for the "donation" table that they no longer use yet someone else might enjoy. Members are free to take home anything from this table, leaving a small monetary donation if they choose. All funds collected from this table benefit organizations in our global polymer community.
Newcomers to the guild are allowed to attend up to two meetings, at which point they may choose to join the guild and continue to attend meetings & events. The yearly dues are $40 ($20 for Students) which cover meeting venue rental, monthly demo supplies, workshop subsidies and more.